Begin Again

What if you didn’t need to wait until the start of a new year to initiate habits, to pursue a fresh goal, to set an intention? What if you could make a change on any day? At any time? In any moment?

Stronger, smarter, richer

How to harness the principle of compound interest to get whatever you want – with just a small daily effort.

In praise of procrastination

Don’t beat youreself up for procrastinating – instead, turn it into a tool to understand yourself better.

The four-second meditation practice

I’ve given meditation a fair crack – and it just hasn’t worked for me. I have, however, found a way to get most of the benefits in just a few seconds per day.

My 10 rules for life

Bonus rule #0: Don’t take life advice from random people on the internet. But if you did, here’s what I’d pass on…

The art of taking on “just enough”

How to avoid taking on too much, and why you’re (paradoxically) more likely to miss a loose deadline than a tight one.

The year you want to have

What will 2021 be like? Hopefully better than 2020 for all concerned – but you have more control over your next year than you might think…

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